Wednesday 12 August 2015

Grains of paradise Grains of paradise (grains of paradise)

Grains of paradise
Grains of paradise (grains of paradise) is similar to ginger spice to belong to the same family formation Zingiberaceae. It is some hope in controlling the dose of the overall fat consumption shows perhaps through food products.
Grains of paradise (alligator pepper and grains of paradise) is a plant whose seeds are traditionally used mainly as a spice for food hot season. This herb is botanically in the same family as ginger and shares many of the biologically active, and it was (medically speaking) traditionally used mainly for digestive and intestinal health with some other sometimes uses unrelated to food.

Reviewing the evidence, and the majority preliminary and full analysis of the composition does not seem to exist at this point in time. It seems closely related to ginger, and have many of the same bioactive.

Grains of paradise seems to be some mechanisms to combat diabetes and anti-obesity, although not significant (confirmed human study conducted in humans increase in metabolic rate, but requires all of exposure to cold, and brown fat person concerned as preconditions). Aphrodisiac properties and testosterone increase as far as both the primary (first does not seem very strong, in connection with other herbs) and anti-estrogenic mechanisms are still unknown very preliminary and practical importance.

Grains of paradise may be promising to spice added to the diet in the hope of re-body and especially for the men building, but not in a general lack of evidence to support its use as a supplement, and may be oral doses higher than that some of the associated toxicity (that need to be further investigated )

What You Should Know
Also known as

Grains of paradise, pepper and pepper melegueta Guinea alligator pepper, Guinea grains
Grains of paradise (of Zingiberaceae family) are the spice in the ginger family with a common "grains of paradise" or "alligator pepper name. Is used spices in West Africa for the purpose of alleviating the pain in the stomach and diarrhea [1] and high blood pressure [2] with some Limited reports used for tuberculosis [3] and the treatment of snakebites and scorpion bites. [4] These seeds are also used for culinary reasons (because of the bitterness of the seeds, it is common to use spices in food products [1] [5]).

Seeds also tend to have anti-microbial properties of the public like many of the spices, [5] [6] and some molluscicidal [7] and repellent [8] [9] properties. It is one of many herbs spice said to help sexual Bah [10] (although the category of "hot herb" seems to be mentioned in this particular seeds).

Grains of paradise are botanically related spices ginger, being used for the health of the digestive tract / digestive system, in addition to being used to flavor foods

1.2. Installation

Grains of paradise tends to contain:

6-ginger (19.5% extraction of ethanol [1]) 0.8-ginger, [11] and methyl-6-ginger [11]
6-shogaol (12.5% ​​extraction of ethanol [1])
6-Paradol (30.5% from the extraction of ethanol [1]) and RAC-6-Dihydroparadol [11]
6-Gingeredione [12]
{2- (5-butylfuran-2- Yale) ethyl} -2-methoxyphenol (structurally related to the above) [11]
Grains of paradise seems to have a polyphenol content of 2.28 +/- 0.02 mg / g (0.2% of dry weight) with flavonoids 0.55mg / g (0.06%). Which is relatively high to last tested in spite of low relative to other African herbs and spices. Also specify [13] This study saponin content and grain flavonoids Paradise and to disclose any alkaloids, tannins, Phlobatanins or anthraquinone (qualitative analysis, not quantitiative). [13]

2. Pharmacy

2.1. Enzyme reactions

Grain has been observed from Paradise (Aframomum and cuspidatum and Harrisonia abyssinica) that in vitro, inhibit enzymes CYP3A with grains of paradise to 10 mg / ml concentration inhibition of CYP3A4 (inhibition complete with extraction of ethanol, 98.85 +/- 0 1% with tea), CYP3A5 ( 99.87 +/- 0.3%) and CYP3A7 (97.24 +/- 0.2%). [14]

It appears to inhibit enzymes CYP3A, and very strong in doing so. Although preliminary, and there is a high possibility of drug interactions and grains of paradise
6-shogaol and 6 paradol, two components of Aframomum melegueta well as ginger, TRPA1 and TRPV1 receptors active with EC50 values ​​of all 6 shogaol show (0.2μM and 11.2 μM) and 6 paradol (71μM and 0.7 μM) [15] which shows that they are weaker of Evodiamine Evodia rutaecarpa (856nM) and headlamp (45 nm). [16]

Recpetors seems to activate TRPV1, with less energy for other cues TRPV1; it seems to activate TRPA1 receptors

3. Neuroscience

3.1. Mechanisms

Grain has been shown to inhibit the extraction Paradise acetylcholine activity moderately with IC50 of 373.33μg / ml. [17]

3.2. Bah

Per day for 8 days notice 115 mg / kg of grains of paradise increase in penile erection index (PEI), and frequency of inhalation of genital grooming and genitals and an increase in the pace of assembly by 54%. [10] sneak latency by 32% while cumin tossing rose is reduced (delayed) by 60% (ie a significant impact on the period after ejaculation), and while it was higher than the control these effects were smaller at a time of herb another test, Piper guineense (but not statistically greater). [10]

4. interact with the glucose metabolism

4.1. Absorption

Grain has been observed from heaven to prevent the enzyme α Amylase with IC50 of 4.83 +/- 0.56mg / ml, [13], and that may be a common link with ginger biologically active because this has been observed in a similar degree with red and white ginger plants. [18] grains of paradise was also noted that inhibit α-glucosidase with IC50 of 2.14 +/- 1.08mg / ml. [13]

4.2. Mechanisms

Grains of paradise able to ease out of the neighborhood Glkoishn rate by 73.4% to 0.25 mg / ml with IC50 of 0.125 mg / ml. Although the antioxidant effect can contribute (DPPH trial observed IC50 value of 0.11mg / ml) of this study indicated that ginger was less antioxidant protection against Glkoishn (proposal and other mechanisms). [19]

In the pancreas are treated with sodium nitroprusside (SNP) mice ex vivo, has been observed grain of paradise that is believed to be the focus of the pancreatic β-cell protection that through antioxidant properties. [13]

4.3. Speeches

A study toxicology in mice fed grains of paradise for 28 days dailt it is only in male rats, it was observed low a dose-dependent in the blood sugar level of 450 mg / kg (7.3%) and 1500 mg / kg (20%) of the ethanol extract . [1]

5. fat mass and obesity

5.1. Mechanisms

5.2. Speeches

Intervention in 19 healthy men in mind that people who have a response to exposure treatment to cold (19 degrees Celsius with light clothes) that the management of extracting ethanol from grains of paradise (10 mg 15.2% 6. Ginger, 12.5% ​​6 paradol, 1.7% and was 6 -shogaol and 4.0% 6-gingeredione) able to increase metabolic rate after 4 weeks of supplementation with 2 hours of treatment exposure to cold. [12] people with no response to exposure to cold (without a big fat brown adipose tissue) did not appear in response to the pill supplements of paradise. [12]

You can increase the metabolic rate and an increase in the response to treatment of exposure to the cold in and of itself without affecting the metabolic rate

6. interact with hormones

6.1. Testosterone

It was observed that the cholesterol level to increase in the testes of mice treated with grains of paradise (151.48% and 165.75% after 8 days of 115 mg / kg and 230 mg / kg, respectively, 93.34% in 55 days with 115 mg / kg) that are related to an increase of 278-316% of testosterone after 8 days in serum (without relying dose) without actions taken after 55 days. [20]

One study was supported by at least increase testosterone in rats receiving grain 115-230mg / kg of Paradise daily for 8 days

6.2. Estrogen

Aframomum meleguita has been observed with methanol to prevent the extraction of 56.7 +/- 3.4% of estrogenic activity in yeast assay at a concentration of 100ug / ml. This is decreased with treatment naringinase. [21] Although Aframomum meleguita surpassing all other herbs in this study without the relative level of active control element of tamoxifen (78% inhibition at 10 microns). [21]

You can have anti-estrogen

7. interaction with bodies

7.1. Liver

In mice received a large amount of alcohol (4.8 g / kg) for 15 days, notice coingestion grain of paradise (100-200mg / kg aqueous extracts) that the highest dose was able to avoid the increase in liver weight and completely uninstall lipid peroxidation and assessed by the Ministry of Agricultural Development, and the preservation of both GSH and GST. Liver dismutase (SOD) were not affected significantly the grain of paradise despite lower with ethanol. [22] increased serum AST and ALT was also full normalization. [22]

Extracting ethanol from grains of paradise in an oral dose of 450-1500mg / kg for 28 days in mice that causes a dose-dependent increases in liver weight with a slight increase in LDH (liver enzymes) were observed the presence of a large AST increases. There was no obvious toxicity as assessed by histological examination (no detectable necrosis, inflammation of the fatty liver or cirrhosis of the liver). [1]

7.2. The male sex organs

115 and 230 mg / kg of grains of paradise (dry weight) for 8 days or 115 mg / kg for 55 days and found that the relative weight of the epididymis, seminal vesicles and the prostate gland in the lower dose increased 10.81%, 6.40%, 30.49% (respectively ) after 7 days and the testes and seminal vesicle and it seems to grow more after 55 days (3.6% and 23.5%, respectively), although the growth of prostate diluted. [20] increase fertility can not be measured since both teams were controlling and melegueta Aframomum extremely fertile (and thus no significant difference). [20]

More than it has been observed in rats at least one study in the seminal vesicle and the size of the testis associated with oral ingestion of 115 mg / kg of grains of paradise (human dose of at least 18.4mg / kg)

8. interaction with cancer

8.1. Pancreas

One study reported that the methanol extracts, grains of paradise chloroform likely PANC-1 cytotoxic against tumor cells in vitro with IC50 values ​​of the pancreas 13.8μg / ml and 47.8 μg / ml, respectively. [23]

9. safety and toxicity

9.1. Public

Artemia in cellular toxicity test, there is little or no toxic potential of the cells to 10 microns with the moderate (20%) and large in 100μM (50%) 1,000μM. The grains of paradise relatively more toxic than nutmeg, but less than ginger. [19]

28 days intake of 120mg / kg in mice seem free of side effects, to 450 mg / kg and 1500 mg / kg was associated with increased liver weight without obvious toxicity. [1] it was observed no significant changes in body weight, eat, blood cells or other changes (inorganic phosphorus whey protein, thrombin clotting time) were sporadic and not depend on the dose considered not clinically relevant. [1]

Study (you can find online, but here was martyred. [24] Igwe et al., 1999) found that 350 mg wholeseed cause grain of paradise diplopia and blurred vision in healthy men Ibo.

9.2. Carry

Study used mice 50 mg of grain of mixed food paradise for rats 20 grams (1% of the feed, and continued the meal four days and then were fed a normal meal) to Oohart mice, while the control group average litter size 7's, Group Experimental feeding the seeds of paradise failed to provide puppies, but no other side effects, it seems. [24] This dose equal to kg 286-345mg / in mice [24] and a lower dose (0.5-2mg injection) and since then did not adversely affect the volume of garbage. [25]

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