Wednesday 12 August 2015

6. fat mass and obesity 6.1. Mechanisms Mechanically, it was found that eating ulmoides Eucommia

6. fat mass and obesity

6.1. Mechanisms

Mechanically, it was found that eating ulmoides Eucommia associated with an increase in the protein content of some metabolic intermediate energy (Alaazaustrut dehydrogenase 3 citrate synthase, pyruvate kinase, GLUT4, and H + complex transfer of mitochondrial F1) [15] in rat liver and an increase in the activity of genes responsible for fat oxidation observed in the range of 1.21 to 1.88 times (300-1,600mg / kg eating a plant extract) [38] and is believed to represent an increase in fat oxidation seen in the liver. [38] [39] [15] It has been observed to increase in steps to reduce β-oxidation rate (CPT1A, ACOX1 and Acadvl), α-oxidant, and ω-oxidant (CYP4A1). [38]

It has been observed in the differential effects of UCP, UCP3 with the increase seen in normal mice and increased UCP2 seen in rats fed high-fat, [15] and PPAR mRNA was found to increase. Show [15] genetic changes mentioned in liver enzymes also be targets PPAR and PPAR, indicating that they may play a role in it. [38]

The hypothesis is that the changes mentioned above and partly due to geniposide acid geniposidic and its aglycone (genipin) and is composed of a majority of phytochemicals plant weight [38] It proved geniposide-lowering properties of lipids isolation. [40]

Eucommia ulmoides seems to be modified protein levels of participation in metabolism and energy expenditure, especially proteins bind decoder (average temperature and energy "waste" production), but the exact mechanism behind these observations to work after it is clear
anaethesized study in rats given notice within the duodenal injection of Eucommia ulmoides (1-5mg or 4-20mg / kg) increase in the activity of the sympathetic nerve in all of the white adipose tissue, brown, rat-conscious there is an increase in fatty acids in plasma (was 154, 5 to 156.6% in 1-5mg leaf extract) and body temperature. [41]

Increase has been observed in heat flow after a single dose in mice after oral doses and very reasonable
And to assess blood pressure mechanisms, it has been found in at least one study of beta blocking properties in human fat cells capable of reducing the effects of isoproterenol. [29] This suggests that ulmoides Eucommia can reduce the effects of fat burning refers through these receptors, namely ephedrine and synephrine.

Is the possibility of blocking beta, while useful for blood pressure, may antagonize the effects of other fat burner

6.2. Speeches

In mice given a high-fat diet with 3% or 9% of any plant powder or extract water from Eucommia ulmoides (corresponding to the human dose of 0.99 g and 2.35 g, respectively), and profit in weight and suppression of more than 90 days of ingestion . [15] In normal mice with a normal diet, is associated with adding 9% ulmoides Eucommia with gusto nonsignificant to lose body (12%) weight and a significant reduction in triglycerides and NEFA with the increase in adiponectin, [15] and was given a high proportion of fat and a diet Similar normal 9% at the end of the test weights. [15] and powder plant and extract water from comparable in power leaves [15] [42] and I have analyzed other studies failed observed at high doses (3-6g / kg) for the effect on the body mass of more than 35 days in mice (although reduction in the mass of the white adipose tissue) [43] and failure to low dose (15.5mg per day) to reduce body mass in albino rats. [39] Comparative Study leaf extract 10% 3% compared to the latter is only effective in reducing weight, [41] despite the fact that the degree of fat loss was less radical and partially confused with a decrease in eating. [41]

Osteoporosis in mice, it can be 5% of the diet, such as water extraction from ulmoides eucomia securities reduces the rate of increase in fat. [44]

Studies on mice to measure weight as a secondary data, 500-1000mg / kg of leaf extract more than 4 weeks should not cause a significant impact on the reduction of fat mice overfed fructose. [34]

Long-term ingestion of Eucommia ulmoides in mice seems to cause loss of less fat, a more powerful agent to fight obesity, and there is a shortage in human studies on this herb at this point in time

7. skeletal bone mass

7.1. Mechanisms

It is possible that the antioxidant properties of the extract from the leaves of Eucommia ulmoides can maintain the integrity of bone cells during periods of oxidative stress, active in concnetration dependent manner up to the price of 6.25μg / ml (EC50 being about 25μg / ml). [45] The inhibitory effect was observed particularly on the formation of glycosides irioid attributed to osteoclast. [46]

Improving signals through estrogen alpha receptors [1] can also contribute to the improvement of bone growth characteristics, but it is unlikely to be the only mechanism in the game (as there is still protect bones shortages of estrogen, such as mice ovariectomy [44] [47]).

7.2. Osteoporosis

In mice ovarectomized, show 5% of the diet as ulmoides Eucommia to reduce bone loss rate in this form to search the menopause [44] and a dose of 300-500mg crust / kg (but not at 100 mg / kg) and appears to reduce the loss of bone mass for 16 weeks with not much different from the reference estradiol drug force. [47]

8. inflammation and immunology

8.1. Mechanisms

Both genipin geniposide I have observed that prevent the release of nitric oxide in macrophages stimulated with LPS concentration 12.5μM (7-10%), with an increase in power genipin with the near complete elimination of 100μM in [7] and both of the crust itself has shown similar characteristics (fighting properties -inflammatory against LPS stimulated macrophages) between 0.05-0.5mg / ml to about half of the control [48] and the crust has reported IC50 against COX2 induction 9.92μg / ml (as it was meloxicam drug more powerful signal in 0.18μM). [19]

9. interact with hormones

9.1. Testosterone

Androgen receptor is a receptor that androgens (testosterone and DHT over the mostly lower serum DHEA) do most of the biological effects. [49] The binding of the ligand (either hormone or plant) is not sufficient to bring about the effects of receptors, [50] It seems that ulmoides Eucommia has phytoandrogens able to do so. [1]

In COS-7 mammalian cells, and cells to extract ethanol from the bark of Eucommia ulmoides able to connect to a weak androgen receptor Otfiel with sufficient affinity for testosterone move effectively in 5-25ng / ml range. [1] Note that in addition to the extracted medium containing DHT that even in the saturation levels of DHT, increased Eucommia ulmoides refers in the range of 112-204% of the baseline. [1] While this met fractions containing triterpenoids of, the contents of Eucommia ulmoides caprylic acid, caprylic acid isolated from coconut oil even imitated the increase. [1]

While the oral intake of 1-50 mg of ethanol extract in mice failed to amend the prostate weights (which indicates the weakness of the reminders), who was able to increase testosterone (injection 5000mcg) caused by prostate growth by about 20%. [1]

Eucommia ulmoides seems masculinity, but weak on its own. It seems that other plant to increase indicates androgen through androgen receptor (and thus increase its effectiveness) is currently believed to be due to acid content caprylic

9.2. Estrogen

Like the effects on the androgen receptor, ulmoides Eucommia (50 ng / ml) strongly linked to weak and activates the estrogen receptor (ER) with the increase in estradiol signals. [1]

Like its effects on the androgen receptor, and it seems that this herb for increasing signals through estrogen receptors (alpha test confirmed the beta isoform)

9.3. Cortisol

The effects of increased Eucommia ulmoides do not appear in estrogen and androgen receptors to stretch to cortisol receptors or progesterone receptors. [1]

It does not seem to indicate a major adjustment through cortisol receptors

9.4. Growth hormone

In isolated cells from rat pituitary gland incubated with 20 ug / ml of the hexane, chloroform and fractures, or ethyl acetate, it seems that the stimulus release of growth hormone. [46]

Can stimulate the release of growth hormone requires a form of life studies to assess whether this is related or not

10. interact with the body's organs

10.1. Kidneys

It seems that the sugars from the plant, in 300-600mg / kg for 15 days to have protective effects on the kidneys, according to assess the concentration of glutathione after reperfusion renal ischemia and MDA; and due to the antioxidant properties (confirmed protective effects by histological examination, and even 600mg / kg was near and normalization is not a full-proof) [18] and extract public cortex (70% ethanol) itself has also protectors of the effects of cadmium in 125-500mg / kg. [7]

A combination of uloides Eucommia pseuodoginseng and Panax (50% and 25% by weight, respectively) in the 10 mg per day (35.7-41.6mg / kg) for six weeks after the college protective effect soft eradicate observed in glomerular filtration and examination histological rate. [51]

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